CREST Centre Construction Diary 2015
Passivhaus design has many advantages over conventional construction and design techniques. Its implementation creates a modern and comfortable dwelling with no cold drafts, no temperature variations from room to room, a quiet internal environment and significantly reduced utility costs. Paul McAlister Architects are experienced in tailoring the Passivhaus philosophy to site constraints and a project’s distinct needs.
Paul McAlister Architects completed the award-winning Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Technologies (CREST) Centre for South West College in Enniskillen. The project is one of the most sustainable projects in the UK and Ireland and is the first educational building to achieve the following three sustainable credentials:
The practice has completed the award-winning Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Technologies (CREST) Centre for South West College in Enniskillen. The project is one of the most sustainable projects in the UK and Ireland and is the first educational building to achieve the following three sustainable credentials:
Passivhaus Certified for Energy efficient envelope and ventilation system
BREEAM Excellent in terms of the BRE sustainable benchmark for UK commercials buildings
Net Zero Carbon Operational Energy, means that the building can provide, by renewable energy, its own source of heat and lighting and power for appliances.
Whilst a combination of two of these sustainable criteria has been completed in other parts of the UK, this will be the first example of the three criteria together and will become a benchmark building for sustainability in the UK.
Sustainable design is key to the successful completion of the CREST Pavilion, the design team's approach was to reflect the innovative aspiration of the CREST project as a demonstration building, and showcase the new technologies on display. The Pavilion was designed to engage industry through experiencing new sustainable technologies and materials allowing for a deeper engagement in and understanding of sustainability.
The CREST Pavilion is now handed over to the client, South West College. All the building works are complete and external grassing and landscaping is being left until the planting season.