Passivhaus: An Affordable, High-Efficiency Standard - 16

The Passivhaus approach is neither a building style nor simply a new build­ing technology. It is simply a perfor­mance standard, the implementation of which requires a set of experiences, tools, and high quality components available to all building professionals. Various projects have shown that the standard can be met in a wide variety of climates and with a wide range of archi­tectural styles, construction types (masonry, timber, steel or concrete) and building types (single family homes, large apartment complexes, offices, schools  and more).

The PassivHaus performance stan­dard is ambitious and clearly defined: 15 kWh per square metre per year for heating and, if needed, for cooling, combined with an aggressive total pri­mary energy limit, resulting in energy savings of some 75 per cent as com­pared with existing European new build projects. The remaining energy con­sumption of a PassivHaus is so low that it can be easily and affordably met with regional energy resources. Even renew­able energy, somewhat more expensive than today's oil and gas, becomes an affordable and competitive option when the amount of energy needed is as low as it is with a PassivHaus.

While measures to increase energy efficiency do not come free of charge, a PassivHaus integrates these measures into components that are needed in every new building. Improving the quality of the building envelope, the services, and the on-site project implementation not only results in energy savings, but also ensures greatly enhanced structural integrity, thermal comfort and air quality as compared to existing buildings.


A residential building in Liebefeld, Switzerland by Halle 58 Architects took first prize at the 2010 Passivhaus Architecture Awards (ph: Christine Blaser).

In a PassivHaus, the focus is on the longevity of the components, which will add value to the building during its life­cycle. Additionally, the heating require­ment, especially in the UK's climate, will be so low that the heating system can be substantially simplified, thus reducing investment and maintenance costs. Most of the components in a PassivHaus are simple to use and easy to maintain, such as high quality insula­tion, high performance windows and efficient heat exchangers.

Last but not least, the PassivHaus Standard is not an abstract theory; it has been tested and proven time and time again. All that architects and engineers need in order to realise a PassivHaus is know-how. The International Passive House Association has been working with affiliates worldwide, such as the UK's PassivHaus Trust, to further PassivHaus knowledge. Additionally, PassivHaus edu­cational programmes are available in almost all European countries. In short, PassivHaus is the affordable, almost zero-energy building solution.


Passivhaus vs Code for Sustainable Homes - 17


Your Carbon Budget - Understanding Embodied Energy - 15